Thursday, September 20, 2012

Meatballs a'la Barb (with mushrooms and basil)

WOOT! WOOT!  Original Recipe!!!  WOOT!  WOOT!

No picture for this one, but trust me.  They looked as good as they tasted.

4lbs grass-fed ground beef
1/2 cup (or more?) almond flour (to hold everything together)
2-3 whole eggs
4-5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 pint (?) of white mushrooms, very finely chopped
1 oz basil leaves, very finely chopped
2-3 stalks of fresh rosemary leaves, very finely chopped
Salt & Pepper

Mix all ingredients by hand in a big bowl.
If it's too dry, add some liquid (chicken or beef broth).
If it's too wet, add more almond flour.
Roll into meatballs.

Option 1)  Brown the outsides in a saute pan before putting on cooking sheet in 375 degree oven until done.
Option 2)  No browning first, just bake at 375 until done.

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