Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cauliflower Pancakes

WOOT!  WOOT!  Original Recipe!   WOOT!  WOOT!


Cauliflower, riced, 2 cups
2 Eggs
Finely Shredded Cheese, 1/2 cup
Dried Oregano, Garlic powder, Salt, Pepper
Coconut oil for cooking


Rice the cauliflower in a food processor. Beat eggs in a bowl, add the cauliflower, shredded cheese, garlic powder, salt & pepper to taste.
Mix it all up.
Heat up some coconut oil in a saute pan.
Drop by spoonfuls into the oil.  Flatten them a bit with the back of the spoon.
Check the bottom for brown-ness before flipping.
Flip and brown the other side.

Yum yum!  Delicious as leftovers.  Even better with the Basil Dressing drizzled over the top!

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